Florence School District 3 students participated in National History Day’s Pee Dee Junior Competition at the Bean Market in on Tuesday, March 5, with four students advancing in individual categories and three other students advancing in the group exhibit competition.
In all, 28 FSD3 students competed in the local NHD competition.
The NHD competition engages elementary, middle, and secondary school students in historical research and analysis while developing important skills. Students chose how to present their research from different categories: paper, website, documentary, performance or exhibit. Students compete at various levels of competition across the state before advancing to the national contest.
Students from Scranton Elementary STEAM Academy, Olanta Creative Arts and Science Magnet School and Dr. Ronald E. McNair School of Digital Communication and Leadership advanced to the state competition.
Fredrick Richey of Scranton Elementary STEAM Academy won for his individual documentary entitled “AI: A Turning Point in History.” Cayliana Ford, Harmony Fulton and Eden Hatcher of Olanta Magnet School received second place in the Group Exhibit category with “The Harlem Renaissance: A Turning Point in Literature and Arts.” Wynter Bryant of Dr. Ronald E. McNair Jr. High won in the performance category with “Snowballs of Change: How Snowy Day Changed Representation in Children's Books.” Gemme Tucker of Dr. Ronald E. McNair Jr. High won in the paper category with “The Village Became a Nation: The Passage of the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act.” Zakyriah Greeson of Dr. Ronald E. McNair Jr. High earned second place in the paper category with “How the R.I.C.O. Act Became a Weapon in the War Against Organized Crime.”
The FSD3 students will now advance to compete in the state competition in Sumter on April 27.