Title I Overview

The purpose of Title I, Part A is to help local educational agencies (LEAs) improve teaching and learning in high-poverty schools and help children failing or most at-risk of failing meet challenging state academic standards.

This purpose is accomplished by such efforts as follows:
  • providing an enriched and accelerated educational program;
  • promoting schoolwide reform through schoolwide programs or through additional services that increase the amount and quality of instructional time;
  • significantly upgrading the quality of instruction by providing staff in participating schools with substantial opportunities for professional development; and
  • affording parents meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children at home and at school.

In Florence County School District 3, all eight schools receive Title I funds.

Title I District and School Allocations

2022-2023 Title I Schools/Plans

Florence School District 3 - LEA Set Asides

J. C. Lynch Elementary School of STEM 

Lake City Early Childhood Center School of Arts

Main Street Elementary School of Arts

Olanta Creative Arts & Science Magnet School

Scranton Elementary STEAM Academy

J. Paul Truluck Creative Arts & Science Magnet School

Dr. Ronald E. McNair School of Digital Communication & Leadership

Lake City Early College High School

2023-2024 Title I Schools/Plans

Florence School District 3 -LEA Set Asides

J. C. Lynch Elementary School of STEM 

Lake City Early Childhood Center School of Arts

Main Street Elementary School of Arts

Olanta Creative Arts & Science Magnet School

Scranton Elementary STEAM Academy

J. Paul Truluck Creative Arts & Science Magnet School

Dr. Ronald E. McNair School of Digital Communication & Leadership

Lake City Early College High School