Parental & Family Engagement is an integral part of the Title I program. A strong connection between home and school is a key element in student success. Studies have indicated that children whose parents and/or other significant adults share in their formal education tend to do better in school. Parents are their child's first and best teacher. Florence County School District Three encourages parents to become partners with their child’s school and become actively involved in all aspects of the process of the Title I program, from the writing of the plan to its implementation and evaluation.
Materials, strategies, and help from teachers are available to all parents of students attending a Title I school. Additionally, opportunities for active parent participation include, but are not limited to, open house, parent workshops, home-school compacts, home visitation, school-wide improvement councils, parent conferences, monthly newsletters, and more.
Federal Title I Guidance requires schools to utilize a portion of their Title I funds to support parent and family engagement. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s principal with any comments or suggestions regarding the school’s Parent Engagement and Community Involvement Plan or how the school can improve.