Free Breakfast & Lunch Meals
Virtual Meal Program 2021-2022.pdf
Florence School District 3 will be providing breakfast & lunch meals to all district students when participating in distance learning through the SY 2020-2021.
Meals will be scheduled for pick up from 2:30 pm.-4:00 p.m. each Monday and Thursday at the locations indicated below.
Meals picked up on Monday will consist of three days of breakfasts and lunch. Meals picked up on Thursday will consist of two days of breakfast and lunch meals.
(Frequently check the district’s Facebook page for updates when inclement weather)
Pick Up Locations
- Olanta Elementary-312 North Jones Road-Olanta, SC 29114
- J. C. Lynch Elementary-124 Hicks Road, Coward, SC 29530
- Lake City High School-652 North Matthews Road, Lake City, SC 29560
No Child Present Meal Pick Up Procedures:
In response to current circumstances caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has authorized a waiver to allow parents/guardians of children 18 and under to pick up meals for their children without them being present.
In order to receive a meal without a child being present, a parent/guardian must provide the name, age, and school location where the student attends to verify the child is eligible to receive a meal. Families with children enrolled in the Virtual Program can complete the on-line registration for the FSD3 Free Grab-n-Go Meal Ticket. Families will use the Grab-n-Go Ticket when picking up meals at locations to verify student eligibility and encourage faster service.
Meals will be provided to all children without charge and are the same for all children regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of meal service.
You may contact the District Office of School Food Services at 843-373-8652 if you have questions or concerns.