Each of the eight schools in Florence County School District 3 has been designated as a Title I school for the current school year. Title I is a federal program that provides opportunities for children to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to meet challenging state content standards. Title I resources are distributed to schools where needs are the greatest, in amounts sufficient to make a difference in the improvement of instruction. Title I coordinates services with other educational services and, to the degree possible, with health and social services programs. Title I provides greater decision-making authority and flexibility within the schools for teachers, requiring greater responsibility for student performance.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the latest reauthorization of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act and was approved by the U.S. Congress in December 2015. As a result of the ESSA legislation, provisions include help to ensure students are prepared in reaching state mandates. Examples of activities included in the school’s Title I Plan are listed below along with researched-proven strategies that were jointly developed by the principal and members of the school’s Title I Schoolwide Planning Committee and School Improvement Council. The district / schools offer the following:
- Properly Certified Instructional Staff
- Extended School/ Tutorial Programs
- Inventory Management System
- Standards-based instructional supplies
- Computer-based Instruction
- Parent Liaisons
- Parent & Family Engagement Activities
- Professional Development
- Student Incentives
- Translation Services
Florence County School District 3 continually monitors the implementation of the Title I plans. If you would like to participate on the Title I Schoolwide Planning Team or help to develop the Parent & Family Engagement Plan, the Parent Involvement Policy and/or with the Home-School Compact for your child’s school, please contact the Office of Title I at (843) 374-8652.
Links to Florence School District 3's Title I Newsletters:
2023 - 2024 Title I Newsletters
23-24 Title I Newsletter for LEA.English.pdf
23-24 Title I Newsletter for LEA.Spanish.pdf