Participating in a Board Meeting
Public Participation in a Board of Trustees Meeting
Anyone wishing to speak to the board must register in person the night of the regular meeting. Registration is open between 5:45 p.m. and 5:50 p.m. Each speaker has three minutes.
Guidelines for Participating in a Board Meeting
The Florence County School District Three Board of Trustees encourages citizens to express their concerns and opinions on all education-related issues. In order that the meeting proceeds smoothly and that as many citizens as possible have the opportunity to speak, we ask that you follow these simple guidelines:
- Please write your name, address, telephone number, the school your child(ren) attend (if applicable) and the topic you wish to address on the sign-in sheet. Names of those who wish to speak will be called in the order in which they appear on the sign-in sheet.
- Speakers may offer objective comments on school operations and programs that concern them. The board will not permit in public session any expression of personal complaints about school personnel nor against any person connected with the school system.
- Keep your comments to three minutes or less.
- If a group of citizens wishes to offer the same opinion on a topic, the group is asked to select one person to speak on its behalf.