Summary of Performance

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Project Succeed Curriculum and Reference Guide
Summary of Performance

Summary of Performance

The Summary of Performance (SOP), with the accompanying documentation, is important to assist the student in the transition from high school to higher education, training and/or employment. This information is necessary under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act to help establish student's eligibility for reasonable accommodations and support in post high school settings. It is also useful for the Vocational Rehabilitation Comprehensive Assessment process. The information about student's current level of functioning is intended to help post high school institutions consider accommodations for access. These recommendations should not imply that any individual who qualified for special education in high school will automatically qualify for services in the post secondary school education or the employment setting. Post secondary schools will continue to make eligibility decisions on the case-by-case basis. The SOP should be linked with the IEP process, and the student should have the opportunity to actively participate in the development of this document.


Present Level of Performance (grade level, standard scores, strengths, needs)

Accommodations/modifications, and/or assistive technology routinely utilized in high school.

Learning Skills (class participation, note taking, keyboarding, organization, homework management, time management, study skills, test taking skills)

Self-Determination/Self-Advocacy Skills (Ability to identify and articulate post secondary goals, learning strengths and needs, ability to ask for assistance with learning and independence)

Social Skills (Extra-curricular activities, peer relationships, socially appropriate behaviors)

Career/ Vocational/Transition (Career interests, job training, technological competency, work history)

Services and Supports

Additional important considerations that can assist in making decisions about disability determination and needed accommodations (e.g. medical problems, family concerns)

Section III: Post High School Expectations (Provide description of each including agency linkages)

Independent Living



Section IV: Post High School Recommendations