Step 1: Application for Employment- District

  1. Apply online - Online Job Application -Click on this link for vacancies and to apply for administrative, certified, and most classified positions-see further details on the classified employment link below.
  2. Submit the requested documents-see administrative, certified, and classified employment pages for requirements.

                        Administrative Employment

                        Certified Employment

                        Classified Employment

                        Athletic Employment

Step 2:  Review Our Salary Schedules

Classified Salary Schedule
Teacher Salary Schedule
Assistant Principal Salary Schedule
Principal Salary Schedule

Step 3: Seeking Employment Opportunities

District interviews will be conducted by principals or at the district office and placed with your application. All references and transcripts must be submitted before you can be considered for a position.

Step 4: Finalizing Employment
Once the principal has completed a Recommendation for Employment form and the HR office has approved the request, the applicant will be called to attend a meeting at the Central Office to sign a contract, complete the necessary paperwork for employment and learn about benefits.

Bring to the Contract/Agreement Signing Meeting:

  • Tuberculin Skin test results
  • Two (2) acceptable forms of identification - a picture ID, preferably a drivers' license, and social security card
  • Voided check for payroll direct deposit (All employees have direct deposit.)
  • Bring birth date(s) and social security number(s) for all beneficiaries.

Questions? Email the Human Resources Department.